Navigating Change

Life with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

A therapy model gaining more momentum which has been widely researched as an effective treatment for many mental health concerns is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Research has shown ACT to be beneficial for a range of conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, chronic pain, substance abuse, eating disorders, and more. Its holistic approach addresses not just symptom reduction but also aims to enhance psychological flexibility and overall well-being.

ACT is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals accept their thoughts and feelings rather than trying to control or eliminate them. ACT emphasizes mindfulness, acceptance, and behavioral change strategies to help clients live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. OM Psychology has been implementing the practice of ACT throughout therapy for over six years.

Here's an overview of the key components of ACT:

  • Acceptance: In ACT, acceptance involves acknowledging and embracing one's internal experiences, including thoughts, emotions, sensations, and memories, without judgment or resistance. Rather than trying to avoid or suppress unpleasant thoughts and feelings, individuals learn to make room for them and allow them to come and go naturally.
  • Cognitive Defusion: Cognitive defusion techniques help individuals create distance from their thoughts and see them for what they are—just thoughts, rather than objective truths or commands. By learning to observe thoughts non-judgmentally and recognize them as passing mental events, clients can reduce their impact on behavior and emotional well-being.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices play a central role in ACT, helping individuals develop present-moment awareness and cultivate a non-reactive stance toward their internal experiences. Through mindfulness exercises such as meditation and mindfulness-based activities, clients learn to observe their thoughts and feelings with curiosity and openness.
  • Values Clarification: ACT encourages individuals to clarify their core values—those qualities and pursuits that are most important and meaningful to them. By identifying their values, clients gain clarity about what truly matters in their lives and can use them as guiding principles for decision-making and goal-setting.
  • Committed Action: Committed action involves setting goals and taking steps aligned with one's values, even in the presence of discomfort or uncertainty. Through behavioral activation techniques and goal-setting exercises, clients learn to take deliberate and meaningful actions that enrich their lives and move them toward a more fulfilling future.
  • The Self as Context: ACT encourages individuals to develop a sense of self that is flexible, context-dependent, and separate from their thoughts and feelings. By recognizing that they are more than their thoughts and experiences, clients can cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and resilience.

Overall, ACT provides a framework for embracing life's challenges with greater acceptance, mindfulness, and values-driven action, ultimately fostering psychological flexibility and well-being. If you’re interested in discussing how ACT could help you, contact OM Psychology today.